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Probe Diagnostic Private Limited (PDPL) (Department ofLaboratory services) is committed to deliver accurate,precise, human specimen in vitro test results as perestablished and validated test methods by maintaining ahigh level of professionalism in Laboratory practices. Thisshall be achieved by developing a transparent QualityManagement System is per requirements of NABL throughwell-accepted test methods, competent personnelfamiliarized with Quality Management System, teamworkand commitment of the employees to strive to achievecustomer ( Patient /Physician) satisfaction.
PDPL makes necessary arrangements to ensure the fotlowing:-a) PDPL is not engaged in any activities that would diminish confidence inthe laboratory’s competence, impartiality, iudgment or operationalintegrity; one ethical policy document (PDPL/QSD/01), lqboratory code ofconduct (PDPL/QSD/03) and Quality Management system procedure formaintaining confidentiality of information (PDPL/QMSP/01) is beingprepared and implemented. The documents (Confidentiality /ftnformation) pertain the following issues:-